Thursday, September 23, 2010

Governor Race

This is just some of the information I found about the elections. Some of the Websites had commercials and youtube videos:

1)      Elections will take place November 2, 2010 (primaries were on June 8)
2)      New elected governor will serve 2011-2015
3)      Democratic Candidate is Jerry Brown
a)      Current California Attorney General
b)      Former governor of CA
4)      Republican candidate is Meg Whitman
a)      Business woman – former CEO of eBay

1)      Goals = create jobs, cut spending, fix education
2)      Wants to build largest women’s coalition ever seen in national politics
3)      Graduated from Princeton with a degree in economics
4)      Attended Harvard business school for her MBA

1)      Meg Whitman called off jury duty
2)      Meg Whitman would probably veto global warming law
3)      Jerry Brown aired first commercial: “Knowledge and know how to get California working again”.
4)      Meg Whitman stands behind add against Jerry Brown
a.       Ongoing debate about past interview with Bill Clinton, CNN made a mistake
b.      Jerry Brown comparing Meg Whitman to Pinocchio
5)      Whitman is largest personal contributer to campaign.
a.       Surpassed Michael Bloomberg with $119 million
6)      Jerry Brown states that republicans and democrats cannot work together
7)      Meg doesn’t believe in a majority, like Oakland voting
8)      Meg asked JB a question:
a.       Why were 4 out of 8 of your budgets not passed on time? How are you going to bring people together
9)      JB asked Meg:
a.       How come you are going to eliminate capital gains tax?
                                                              i.      It will just make her and people in her social standing more rich

Posted: 09/05/2010 12:00:00 AM PDT
WHAT'S THE CLAIM? The campaign of Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman has aired a radio ad that takes aim at Jerry Brown's time as Oakland mayor. The announcer claims the current scandal about public salaries in Bell echoes Brown's tenure as mayor: "In Jerry Brown's Oakland, city workers were paid for 22,000 hours that they never worked. The total number of city workers making $200,000 a year went up 700 percent. And under Jerry Brown, Oakland's city administrator gave herself $60,000 in bonuses."
The ad also says Brown "supported $500 million in higher property taxes and pushed for higher fees and taxes."
IS IT TRUE? Some of the facts are in dispute, while others appear to lack context.
It's true that while Brown was mayor, the number of those who drew salaries of more than $200,000 rose from five to 42 -- 31 of whom were firefighters. But that was a one-time bump, according to Brown's campaign, because the Oakland City Council in 2006 approved a lump-sum payment of $1.3 million in back overtime to firefighters who were shortchanged by an accounting error.
The accusations about bonuses, vacation days and overbillings were made in a lawsuit by a fired city controller whose claims Oakland has denied in court; the case is pending.
As for the $500 million in new taxes, they'll be assessed over decades and were approved by more than two-thirds of Oakland voters to reduce class sizes, increase teacher salaries, purchase textbooks, keep libraries open and give students elective classes they need to qualify for University of California and California State University admissions

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