Thursday, September 30, 2010

Complicated is an understatment!

After reading through the article I was pretty convinced that “complicated” was the wrong word for the headline. I think a better word in its place could be something to the effect of abusive. One of the first things that crossed my mind was how much this didn’t seem like what I was fighting for in class. I feel as though Fox news just shot a gaping hole in my argument during the debate. Yes I know we said that as viewers’ people should double check their sources but really now, this is Fox News and they are just stripping the democracy right out of journalism. I still believe that when you do watch the news or read it, or however you normally access your information you should still check another source but I don’t feel like I should have to watch two programs just to get the other side of the story. That is something I associate with a grassroots type of media where it is not their profession and they can just provide you the information they choose to. Fox News is a huge corporation and I feel that especially being so large they should bring all sides of the story, it is their job!

I found another website that gave some statistics about who watches Fox News right now and how the 2012 election can be a new experience entirely when it comes to voting. The article explains, “Whereas 78 percent of likely voters who say they are Fox News viewers support Republican candidates, 58 percent of viewers of CNN and MSNBC and 45 percent of broadcast network viewers say they will vote Democratic in November’s House races.” This is not a big surprise nor am I really surprised that Fox is taking advantage of the potential they have, what does shock me however is how this is happening. How on this earth in a democratic society are we allowing this sort of behavior, sponsorship, and to be truthful, censorship to occur. According to a synonym for democracy is “representative government”. Representative government leads me to believe representative press; unfortunately it is looking like we are moving as far away from that as possible.

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